Warmly welcome to a cultural-historical film show about Kazakhstan, March 10, 2018 organized by Youth of Kazakhstan in Sweden.

We will show two interesting and elaborate films from Kazakhstan in Kazakh with English subtitles. At the same time, traditional Kazakh “fika” is served during the mingelbreak. You can also enjoy the sound of the traditional musical instrument Dombra and see the photo exhibition “Meet Kazakhstan”.
15:00 – 17:15 the movie “Mine bala”
17:15 – 18:00 fika & mingel
18:00 – 19:45 film “Shal”
Free entrance.
Due to limited number of places, pre-registration is recommended: https://goo.gl/7hyz32
“My bala”
A history drama about the freedom of the soul and about the struggle against slavery and despotism. The never-ending story of love, loss and betrayal, viewed from the perspective of the Kazakh youth.
Inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s novel “The Old and the Sea”. “Shal” was Kazakhstan’s contribution to Oscar for Best Foreign Film 2014. The film does not play on the Hemingway Sea but on the desolate winter strikes in Kazakhstan where a flock of wolves awaits their change. How well is an old man, lost in a snowstorm, against these unscrupulous wildlife, does he manage to protect his beloved flock sheep – and his own life?
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